Standing Tallest in Midtown

Nov 19, 2021

Standing Tallest in Midtown

As one of the tallest residential buildings in Atlanta, and tallest of all in Midtown, Atlantic offers as many reasons to prefer city living as there are people who choose the luxury of Atlanta midtown condos. The views and horizons and the sundowns and sunups are barely the beginning. As many people who celebrated the ceasing of a trip to the office during pandemic precautions, it seems there are just as many – or more – who welcome the chance to go back there from time to time, as work-from-home policies continue to evolve. Even if your commute is only occasional, it is a comfort to make it minimal.

Yet, transition time is not the only reason that so many choose Atlanta high-rise condos over suburban life, even now, because the best use of our urban advantages extends well beyond the workday. In fact, an experienced commuter we know from New York says he always moved back to Manhattan because commuting life seemed upside-down. “The city in the daytime and the suburbs at night seemed like exactly the wrong idea,” he said. As Atlanta takes its place among the world’s great cities, many Atlanta residents are coming to the same conclusion and selecting from among the condos in Midtown Atlanta for sale.

The Pleasure is Practical

Practical reasons abound for choosing condos over single-family homes. Most of the time and cost of maintenance and upkeep can go straight to another budget line – such as keeping up and deepening those relationships with family and friends. As careers in a global economy begin again to include travel, there’s more peace of mind in saying so-long to a skyrise that will be continually attended to than departing one’s freestanding home out of town. And then, there’s the advantage of access.

Midtown has been a fertile ground for synthesizing city life with a walking, neighborhood feel. Atlantic Stationdemonstrates every day that “urban chic” can be unpretentious, down to earth, and still offer the essence of cutting-edge appeal. Even Midtown, the heart of commerce and finance for Atlanta, presents its own version of residential options with ongoing initiatives and a plan that makes living near work a pleasure, with walking, biking, streetscapes, and green space blended with the same care as the fine cuisine you’ll also find among the glorious selection of restaurants here.

All of the Above

As a result of this adroit investment in the quality of city life in Atlanta, a lifestyle that builds in the best of both city and suburb is growing in availability, just in time for a generation that places quality of life even higher than any that came before it. The people making the economy and its opportunities grow today are far less likely to compromise on their personal values. Those values include what might be called the simple pleasures of life – a walk with the dog after work, a place where neighbors encounter each other without planning it, a place where their children can play the way they once did and still flourish among the riches of culture that are found in one of the world’s great cities.

The life we find around the tallest of the Midtown skyrise luxury residences offers all of this and more. To find out what the opportunity could mean for you, call us at 404-946-8363 or find out more at